Christine Thomas, CPCC, ORSCC
Personal Life Coach for Women

Where to begin in telling you about me? When in doubt I like to start with gratitude. I love my work, I live in paradise, and I have tons of loving family members, friends, colleagues, clients, and other awesome relationships in my life. My allies are all around me and support me in more ways than I can even imagine.

Perhaps you’d like to know about my education and experience. I’ve been a personal life coach, working with individuals, since 1999. I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, trained by The Coaches Training Institute. For the last several years, I’ve been coaching relationships – like those of couples and teams. I completed The Center for Right Relationship’s world-class, cutting edge relationship coaching training program, becoming a certified Organizational and Relationship Systems Coach. I am also trained in mediation and group facilitation. Insatiably curious, I continue to take advanced coach training courses whenever I can.
Along with my training I have many life experiences and skills that enrich my coaching practice. My far vision, my open heart, my truth telling, my deep commitment to individual and group evolution, and my sense of hope and humor are some of the gifts I bring to coaching.
Maybe you’d like to know about my personal life. I’ve been married to my honey, Michael, for over 40 years! We have an awesome son, Dorian, and a brilliant son-in-law, Alexey, and two grand dogs, Mishka and Finn. Our beloved cat Lily Beth keeps our laps warm and our home happy.

Colorado is my home. I enjoy this gorgeous land and am a long time gardener, herbalist trained in the Wise Woman tradition, and an outdoors person. Another of my passions is learning about birds of prey from the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program. (In the picture here with me is one of the non-releasable educational ambassadors from the Rocky Mountain Raptor Center, a red tail hawk.) The far ranging, clear view of a bird of prey flying high inspired my web name: hawkview.

My brain works well in logical and practical mode. I have owned another successful small business, been a marketing director, trainer, director of operations and a consultant. I have worked with a wide range of managers, directors of non-profits and small business owners, gaining practical, solution based approaches to the array of challenges that managing people and resources presents.
For much of my life I have been on a spiritual quest, studying spiritual traditions from around the world. I have practiced various meditative techniques and yoga for more than 40 years, taken and led workshops and classes, gone on retreats and vision quests, been a participant in circles, prayed, journeyed, sat in stillness, dreamed, laid in my garden. I recognize the strands that connect us all in our varied spiritual beliefs and I support people who want to deepen their relationship with, their connection to Spirit/Goddess/God/Great Mystery.

Standing with feet in both worlds – of the practical and of the spirit – I know that there are ways each of us can be successful in the world making a living and living our beliefs. In fact, I believe that this world absolutely needs our passions, our daydreams, our quirkiness, our unique ways of operating when we are rooted in our values.
And our relationships – be they personal or professional – also desperately need all of us, especially our conscious awareness and our intentionality.
There is always something to learn about working with people and relationships, about my garden and the birds, about earth and spirit, about my own hidden side and edges, about all the beings and beauty of this gorgeous planet.
Maybe you’d like to read what my clients say about me:
“Christine is a miraculous coach.
Her natural coaching is supportive, insightful, resourceful and compassionate.
Christine guides you to thrive!
I am truly grateful💚”
Jodi Del Ponte
“I came to Christine to find balance. Balance — this sounds like a simple goal. So simple. I had no idea the journey that this simple goal would take me on. Christine has given me tools and exercises that have changed my path in life. Our journey has been filled with laugher and tears and a ton of skills to help me through this maze of life. Plus, she doesn’t let you get stuck on whining, moaning, or trying to analyze why you are where you are.
This morning when I was thinking about myself back when I started working with Christine and now – and this is how my life has changed:
I sit taller.
I breathe deeper.
I have more energy.
I have more courage.
I start my days with my thoughts and coffee.
I appreciate more.
I fear less.
I have courage to tackle BIG stuff.
I love myself more.
I dream more and my dreams are within reach.” – Gretta A., Colorado
“Christine Thomas is an amazing woman with a talent for removing the self-imposed hurdles we place along our life path. I first contacted her when my professional corporate life was changing dramatically and I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue with the career path I had chosen. Within in two coaching sessions, Christine cleared away my excuses, my victim attitude, and my whining and made me face the fact that I was completely and utterly caught up in bone jarring fear. Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of this, fear of that! Instead of having me relive the 20 years of working circumstances that had gotten me to this particular place of fear, she immediately started to give me the tools I needed to build a ladder out of my fear hole and enable me to climb to safety. Christine changed my life because she believed full-heartedly that my life could and should be all that I wanted it to be. I will spend the rest of my life being grateful to her.” – Kari W., Colorado

“If you are looking for an incredibly talented coach to guide you into a more fulfilling life, you’ll find one in Christine Thomas. She is knowledgeable, funny, intuitive, and caring. Her deep understanding of the Wise Woman tradition buoyed me as I learned to change myself. Her confidence in the process of trusting inner wisdom guided me through (and beyond) beliefs and actions that weren’t serving me well. After I began coaching with Christine, my perceptions seemed to shake awake. The natural world now speaks to me in ways I hadn’t heard before. My inner signposts shine clearly. In short, I feel stronger, clearer, and more a part of this dazzling universe. I’m so grateful to have Christine as my guide!” – Amber Dahlin, Colorado
“Christine has been my companion on my creative journey for over a year now, and what a year it has been! Through her insightful coaching and keen support, I’ve been able accomplish a number of huge tasks–including writing two books and several guides. Yet the value of her coaching goes beyond the physical results . . . her wise ways of questioning and her insistence on holding to what she knows to be my truth has enabled me to keep strong on a path that is sometimes scary, always interesting, and a truly grand adventure. She tends to my flame with priestessly devotion. I look forward to continuing our journey together.” – Alix North, Radical Bad-Ass Pirate Babe, San Francisco Bay Area
Or maybe you’d like to meet me and find out for yourself what coaching with me would be like. To see if life coaching is for you, or to schedule a FREE sample coaching session, call me at 1-(970)-353-5535 (MST) or e-mail me at

If you let me know your time zone, as well as the best time of day to schedule a phone call (morning, afternoon, evening), I’ll get back to you with some possible meeting times. We can then schedule a mutually convenient time for you to call me. The sample session is freely given with no expectation of anything more, unless you choose work with me. Usually a sample session, including time for questions and answers, takes about 45 minutes.
I know it takes courage to contact someone whom you’ve found on the Internet, but trust your intuition. If it feels right, I’d love to hear from you. I promise to keep your contact information confidential and that I will only contact you regarding setting up a sample session (unless you select to receive my occasional newsletter).